Sorry, this is a long over due post, but better late than never 🙂
Over Easter Weekend we were invited by our new friends to go camping with them at the Ngodo river mouth on the
southern edge of the Loango national park. We happily accepted, they even provided us with everything we would need for camping! Teun and I had just started our training to be boat captains the weekend before, and because we were taking Daniel’s boat up to the camp site and I got to get a bit more practice.

Daniel brought the boat into the shallows so we couldoffload all of our stuff, and lets just say nobody packed light…

But after several trips up and down the beach carrying all of the “necessities” we were able to set up camp

And the boys went in search of firewood…

Then it was time to relax, which meant fishing…

It was absolutely beautiful at the beach; warm, but with enough of a breeze not to make it miserable for sleeping

There was quite a feast for dinner! This weekend was the start of the celebrations for Daniel’s 40th birthday, so there were beautiful speeches and champagne to celebrate! It was a very memorable evening.

After “a little hiccup” (the boat ended up getting flooded with water when the tide went out and it tipped over and then the tide came back in…) we loaded up the boat and set out on the slow ride (only 1 of the 2 engines was working now) back home.

The somber mood turned more jovial again when we spotted a small group of hippos! After weeks of wishing and hoping to see them, I was over the moon to finally get the chance.